Sunday, November 21, 2010

Band Name: Fact Finding Mob


MOB, originally uploaded by Teelek.
Thank you, Chuck (one of my absolutely favorite shows) for our newest excellent band name. All we need is some pitchforks, some torches, and a couple of wailing guitar players.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Band Name: Amelia the Pirate Fairy


Eva the Pirate Fairy, originally uploaded by Tumble Fish Studio.

Credit for this crazy idea comes from Aunt Becky of Mommy Wants Vodka and her beautiful little girl - naturally, Amelia. You should hit up her blog and read every single entry - but especially the Halloween one that inspired this name. You'll laugh, I promise.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Three Octopuses and an Otter


Otter, originally uploaded by sparky2000.

Credit for this one goes to Matt Smith during his hilarious appearance on Craig Ferguson's show last night. I love a man who can come up with a good, random band name.